Your physiotherapy center in Burgos
Apofis Fisioterapia was created in 2013. For what purpose? Merge knowledge to get the best out of each professional. After a personal and professional life dedicated to sports and the treatment of sports and traumatological injuries, we decided to create a center that performs a comprehensive treatment of injuries:
Over time, the role of physiotherapist appeared in its health prevention function: why wait until you are sick to go to the physiotherapist? And we created a pilates section as a preventive and therapeutic exercise, to strengthen the back and globally
Your health is our commitment
We are constantly updating, to have the most innovative techniques and that, as a patient, you can benefit from the best service that we can offer you in our center. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you and guide you to your recovery or final goal.
Discover our services
Epte (Therapeutic Percutaneous Electrolysis)
It is a novel technique in physiotherapy, minimally invasive that consists of applying a galvanic current...
They are the famous "Color Strips". They can be used in the most varied way: from relaxation...
Manual lymphatic drainage
It is used to activate lymphatic circulation, that liquid that carries waste substances from the body...
Infant Colic Treatment
Newborns up to approximately three months have an immature digestive system...
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Why with ultrasound? It is the best way to know how the tissue we are treating is...
G5 Sport Cycling
It consists of a deep vibratory massage treatment, which goes as far as the physiotherapist with his manual treatment is not capable of reaching...
Physiotherapy, Osteopathy and Manual Therapy
Physiotherapy is one of the oldest known body treatments...
Pilates therapy
I am not going to tell you about who Pilates was or why he invented this form of exercise. The only thing you have to know...
Dry needling
Who has not heard of the famous trigger points? Dry needling is based...
Diacutaneous Fibrolysis (Hooks)
Another modern technique is the treatment with hooks, whose objective is to release muscular tension...
NESA non-invasive neuromodulation is based on an imperceptible surface treatment of electrical microcurrents generated by the XSignal device...
Contact us
You are interested in some of our services, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be willing to help you with whatever you need.